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Gateway Reviews

A Gateway Review is a checkpoint that is reached at the end of each phase of the lifecycle.

The information shared at a Gateway Review provides assurance that the Business Case is viable or will remain viable before progressing to the next stage.

The Gateway Review ensures that all parties can provide evidence that the initiative has completed all the required tasks in the current phase and that there has been a degree of rigour in understanding the activity in the next phase which allows the key stakeholders to commit their support and / or resources.

  • Completion of the recommended tasks will ensure that a thorough understanding of the phase is achieved.
  • The slides will normally be prepared by the Project Manager and supported by the Business Lead.
  • The Business Lead and Project Manager will need to share with the overseeing body (Programme or Project Board) this evidence and will together determine the outcome for the Gateway Review.

Click the DOWNLOAD button to access the Gateway Review slides.



Hints & Tips

  • Use the downloadable template to create your presentation for the Gateway Review.
  • Ensure the Gateway Review is a planned milestone on your project plan.
  • See the Gateway Review checklist for a list of what activities should be completed for each phase.
  • As with most of these tools, it can be scaled based on the size and complexity of the initiative or activity.

Gateway Review Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure you have completed all the recommended activity for the phase of the lifecycle.